One of the best ways to combine fun, exercise, and personal reflection is to explore decent hiking trails. Growing up it was one of my favorite escapes because we had several good places to hike that were free. I never really totally appreciated that until I grew up and moved somewhere that didnt have free hiking trails. Where I live now, you have to pay to use trails through a seasonal or daily pass. Even then, the trails are nowhere close to what I experienced near my hometown. So if you have access to a decent wooded park, I highly recommend you take advantage of it.
Growing up I could basically bike ride to a metropolitan park or even walk there. It was a beautiful place to lose yourself in for awhile. It was easy to just lose yourself in the natural beauty as I hiked through the woods, climbed rocks and sometimes just sat on my favorite boulder on one of the many trails. The trails had it all: waterfalls, narrow paths, small cave, creek, trees, wildlife, a gorge, and many trails to follow. I often would take my camera along and capture the nature around me. It is far easier to do so today with my phone camerarather than lugging around a big camera but it was always one of my passions to take photos.
Hiking not only was a fun escape but it allowed me to take time to reflect and find a sense of peace in the middle of daily chaos as well the extra benefit of exercise. I did my best thinking and refelction while hiking my favorite trails. Today I don’t have nearly the time to go exploring the woods but I still love to do so when I can. It just takes more effort now.